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Advokat·skoe Byuro \Yvanova\savecompany

Advokat·skoe Byuro \Yvanova\ is rated 4.9 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Advokat·skoe Byuro \Yvanova\.

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Amir Kadafi

I am from Iran and now live in Ukraine. Here I had a wife but we divorced 2 years ago. We have a daughter. During 2 years after divorcing I could see my child without any problems. But now my ex-wife decided to demand a lot of money from me in order to communicate with my daughter. I hired a lawyer to solve this problem. He successfully won the case in court and now I can see my daughter regularly.


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Abraham Hussein

I married with a woman from Odessa three years ago. But I felt in love with new woman and wanted to divorce with previous one. But she decided to make me problems with it, so she refused to divorce without court. I dont know Ukrainian language, so I couldnt do it without lawyer. I found law office of Ivanov in the Internet and was pleased to find out that they have English-speaking lawyer, who explained me the procedure. I signed a contract with them and now I have a court decision of divorce.


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Medo Shorbagy

Unfortunately my only daughter was taken away from Egypt to Russia by her Russian mother ehaterina smirnova and did all this behind my back. I came to Moscow to try to see my daughter Bella but they keep hiding her and prevent this to happen.. Till the day I met this big company of low and I went there for help and raman was the talented one for this... Thanks for everything.


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Георгий Харченко

(Translated by Google) I got married with my wife in Italy, but then left to live in Ukraine. Before the quarantine began, we decided to divorce, but we were told in court that we needed the original marriage certificate, which we did not have. No one could fly to Italy, and the question of divorce was burning in the shortest possible time. We turned to this bureau for help. By some miracle, they received the original by mail and filed for a divorce. Incredible professionals! (Original) С женой поженились в Италии, но потом уехали жить в Украину. До начала карантина решили разводиться, но нам в суде сказали что нужен оригинал свидетельства о браке, которого у нас не было. В Италию уже вылететь никто не мог, а вопрос развода горел в кратчайшие сроки. Обратились в это бюро за помощью. Они каким-то чудом удалено получили почтой оригинал, и оформили развод. Невероятного уровня профессионалы!


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Дарья Нерахова

(Translated by Google) It was not possible to arrange child support independently. 2 times there were some problems with documents. In court, I was hinted at this bureau, as people who easily solve such cases. I signed an agreement with them, I had to wait half a year, but still I receive alimony. Moreover, for those half a year that I was waiting. (Original) Не получалось оформить алименты самостоятельно. 2 раза возникали какие-то проблемы с документами. В суде мне намекнули на это бюро, как на людей которые легко такие дела решают. Я подписала с ними договор, пришлось пол года подождать, но все-таки алименты я получаю. Причем и за те пол года что ждала.


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Леонид Торохов

(Translated by Google) There was an inheritance problem. My father died, until his death I followed him. The older brother did not even show up in a year. By will I received everything. The brother decided to claim half of the property and it all ended in a big scandal. Each hired a lawyer and continued to sort things out already in court. The lawyer Roman provided me was much more experienced and smarter than my brother’s lawyer. I received all the property that I was originally supposed to receive. (Original) Возникла проблема с наследством. Отец умер, до самой его смерти за ним следил я. Старший брат даже не появился за год ни разу. По завещанию все получал я. Брат решил претендовать на половину имущества и все закончилось большим скандалом. Каждый нанял адвоката и продолжали выяснение отношений уже в суде. Адвокат, которого предоставил мне Роман, оказался гораздо опытнее и умнее, чем адвокат брата. Я получил все имущество, которое изначально и должен был получить.


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Инна Богунская

(Translated by Google) Since I don't even know where the child's father lives and I was tired of endless problems with the child due to the fact that the father’s consent to a lot is needed, I wanted to somehow solve it. At a consultation at Ivanov's law office, I was offered to deprive him of his parental rights. In principle, it suited me. I liked very much how deeply the lawyers got into the case so that the guardianship authority and the court agreed to deprivation. There are no more problems for me with the child. (Original) Так как я даже не знаю где живет отец ребенка и устала от бесконечных проблем с ребенком из-за того, что нужно согласие отца на многое, то хотела как-то это решить. На консультации в адвокатском бюро Иванова мне предложили лишить его родительских прав. Впринципе меня это устраивало. Очень понравилось насколько глубоко адвокаты вникли в дело так, что орган опеки что суд согласились на лишение. Больше к меня нет проблем с ребенком.


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Андрій Гончаров

(Translated by Google) My situation was that the child did not want to see me because her mother intimidated and even beat her. Friends said that the child had bruises. I, like any normal father, could not stand it. With a lawyer I got from Ivanov's law firm, we went to see the child, called the police, and wrote to the children's service. In the end, the service helped us get in touch with the child. The child said he did not want to live with his mother. Then the lawyer won my case in court and I took the child to myself. I couldn't even hope for that! Very grateful to this bureau! (Original) Моя ситуація була пов’язана з тим, що дитина не хотіла мене бачити через те, що мати її залякувала та навіть била. Друзі розповідали, що дитина має синці. Я, як будь який нормальний батько, не міг таке терпіти. З адвокатом, якого я отримав з адвокатського бюро Іванова, ми їздили до дитини, викликали поліцію, писали до служби що займається дітьми. В решті решт, служба допомогла нам вийти на контакт з дитиною. Дитина сказала, що не хоче жити з матір’ю. Тоді адвокат виграв мені справу вже в суді і я забрав дитину до себе. На таке я навіть сподіватися не міг! Дуже вдячний цьому бюро!


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Advokat·skoe Byuro \Yvanova\






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